
Nothing goes better with a good glass of saki than some steamed food straight out of the steam cooker. The pair of steamed food and hot saki is legendary in its taste and presentation and we as food experts have found ways to blend the two in extravagant style through the use of high quality saki brands and indoor food steamers. Steamed food is usually done in large quantities, which means that it is often saved for special occasions. However, with the latest technology in food steamers, it is now possible to enjoy this amazing combination whenever you want.

Part of being a food expert is knowing how to make high quality food even on a daily basis. Some people think that food steaming can only be done in large quantities, but we know for a fact with the help of some very inexpensive products, steaming can now be done at home any time you want with the greatest of ease. Use the indoor food steamer to prepare any steamed dish wish the greatest of ease and pair your favorite saki recipes with it.

Steam like the pros

These food steamers, although much smaller than an industrial steamer, fulfill all of the purposes of a large steamer with a fraction of the work. You can put the steamer anywhere in your kitchen and have access to the best dishes in the world with little work on your part. The steamer uses such high tech machinery that it virtually does all of the work by itself. All you have to do is place the recipe in and wait. Soon you will be enjoying gourmet meals with little to no effort with the help of one of the high tech portable steamers on the market.



People spend a lot of time caring for their property. Whether it is your lawn, your house, or your deck or porch, chances are that you spend your weekends devoted to making it the best it can be.

When taking care of your yard, it can be difficult to tend to all of the different aspects of it. Think about it! For example, you need to make sure the grass on your lawn is in tip top shape. This involves spreading seed and also using fertilizers. Those who are really hardcore about their lawns also set up systems to keep them watered. It’s an entire process.

One thing that we seem to take for granted in our yards at time are trees. That’s right, trees. You know, the huge wooden plants that usually stick up out of the ground around the perimeter of your property. Oftentimes, we neglect taking care of our trees because they usually seem so self sufficient. However, trees need just as much care as any other plant would. Read on down below for more information!

Raising your trees


Like we said before, your trees need to be cared for like any other plant. One way you can do this is by making sure that they are being pruned correctly. This can be a task, but there are great ways to do it.

Showing them off

Once your trees are growing nicely, you might want to show your friends. You can definitely get the word out using lessons learned at http://www.ippeileads.com/. This will help your tree displaying skills get to that next level!



Of all the things that could go wrong today this was the worst. Hi, I’m its Saki here and this was probably the worst day of my life. And no I’m not be melodramatic. It started out bad then progress to terrible, then horrible, now it’s at the worst. I wish I had a time machine like Back to the Future so that I can start this day over. Oh well.

I woke up twenty minutes late. Apparently the power went out some time while I was sleeping. When I woke up my alarm clock was just flashing numbers. Now I have to rush and get ready for work. If I want any hope of making it there on time. Quickly I brush my teeth, hair, and get dress. As I am preparing to walk out of my house I can’t find my boots, no wait correction, I can’t find my boot. There is no way my supervisor, Jonny, will let me work without my boots. Where can a big yellow steel toe boot go anyway? Ahh here it is, it fell behind the trash can. I have my boots on, work gloves, vest, and my hard hat is in the car. I lock up and run to the car. I hop into my car, put the key into the ignition and guess what? It won’t want to start. Seriously? I do not have time for this. Just as I was about to call in sick to work, I see my neighbor leaving and ask if she can give me a ride. Thank God she said yes.

We make it to my job, I thank my neighbor and run to meet up with the crew. Thankfully most of the guys are standing around talking and finishing up their coffee. I wrap my hair up into a ponytail put my hard hat on and wait for the whistle to blow. There it goes. I grab my chain saw I begin felling trees and chopping logs for the rest of the day.

While getting ready to leave my supervisor called me to his office. Saying that he has something he’d like to talk to me about. A few months I had applied for a promotion. The promotion is a supervisor position for another crew of tree climbers and trimmers for the next town over which is Huntsville. All the guys and myself believed that I was a shoe in. I’m a certified arborist for goodness sake. When he requested me to his office I thought he was going to give me the promotion. After the day I have been having it would be a great boost.

I sat down across from him and he began talking. Basically he told me that after great consideration and review unfortunately I will not be promoted. Blah, blah, blah. He said some other stuff but I stopped listening. All I could think was I can’t wait to get home. What else can go wrong with this day?

I walk out to the lot looking for my car. Like a dummy I forgot that it wouldn’t start this morning and I had to get a ride to work. Now I have to find a ride home. And everyone has left already I have no choice but to walk the seven miles to my house. After a long day of felling trees, pruning, and lopping this was the last thing I wanted to do.

After a couple hours, I made it home. I was hot, sweaty, smelly, and hungry. But first I have to call my mechanic to come get my car so it can be service. After completing that task I took a shower. Ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I was so tired and drained I decided to go to bed early. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. I lay down on my bed in hopes of falling asleep. With my eyes still closed I hear a loud sound. Is that a chainsaw? I work all day hearing this noise now it’s in my dreams? I turn over praying and hoping that tomorrow will be a better day.

It was seven, no ten years ago. I was sitting on my front my porch. Drinking a warm cup of chamomile tea. It was a long and eventful day. One of those days where life takes you on a roller coaster. And there is nothing you can do about it but go along for the ride. Well, I had just finish bathing my youngest at the time and laid him down in his crib. The sun was just getting to set. I’ve always loved this time of the day. When everything is winding down for the night. The sky is aglow with the most beautiful colors. The reds, the oranges, the pinks, the purples, it never fails, every time I see a sunset it astonishes me. I don’t remember where my husband was at the time. Maybe in the garage, that’s right he was in the garage working on the old Chevy Camaro. Men and their toys right?

After some time I hear the roll of thunder in the far distance. Follow by the flash of lightening. The weather man been predicting storms all week and we have yet to have one. And its summer. So it’s not uncommon to have a little thunder and lightning without the accompaniment of rain. Of course I didn’t move off the porch. I stayed in that comfortable wicker chair glider lazily rocking and sipping my tea. Before I knew I was being awaken by my husband. “Wake up Alexis, wake up!” He said, “Get the kids we have to go into to the basement!” Mind you all my life I have been a hard, death like sleeper. It’s a gift I have, I can sleep through anything except the cries of my babies. That’s the only sound that will penetrate my coma like type of sleep.

As I’m jolted awake I hear the siren going off, the crack and pop of limps being whipped off the trees. The wind is blowing, rain coming down in droves. Creating a sheet it seems, I can’t see down our driveway to the mailbox that’s about twenty feet away. I guess that weather man was finally right.

Clark and I grabbed our three babies and rushed downstairs to the basement. It sounded like a war was going on outside of our home. I can only imagine the damage that’s being down. All I can do is pray that the damage is minimal and our house remains intact and unscathed. We were down in that basement for what felt like hours but was probably thirty-five minutes. Our kids fell asleep curled up in our laps. My husband and I kept our selves busy by playing cards. There was anything any one of us could but wait it out. So that’s exactly what we did, we waited that storm out.

After about thirty-five or forty five minutes we no longer heard the sound of the siren or even rain. My husband said to me, “stay here Lex, I’m gonna check outside, if it’s safe I’ll holler for you and the kids to come upstairs.” Clark went upstairs and I could hear our front door opening and shutting. Not too long after that Clark yells, “ya’ll can come up, the storm has passed!”

As we all stood on the front porch surveying the damage. Thank God, our house, garages, and cars were fine. Just a few little limbs fell onto to them. But the pool and my vegetable garden was ruin. A huge oak tree was uprooted and landed right on top of the pool and in the middle of my garden. I turned to my husband and said, “Clark it’s late, let’s put the kids to bed and we can handle all this in the morning.” He agreed and we took the kids upstairs to their rooms. Laid them in their beds kissed them goodnight. Then Clark and I got ready for bed. I remember thinking lying there drifting off to sleep, I have to find a number for a tree service to removed that oak from the pool.

Glad to be alive blogging everyday about businesses now…


But this time I found a tree care company called Wilmington’s Utility Tree, and despite the unattractive name, they did a wonderful job.

Service and smiles

I have to be honest as someone who does judge a book by its cover, I want people to know that when I first heard of Utility tree service; I automatically thought what a weird name? I mean honestly, Utility tree service, it sounds so bland, boring, and it doesn’t stand out to me. It doesn’t hit me hard, and it really doesn’t make me want to do business with them. This is true, very true, and I for one know for a fact that when it comes to business and doing business that there is a lot in a name in general. Yet, I also know that based upon reviews that they do a great job as a whole, and they truly care when it comes to making sure that people are taken care of, that the job is done with the utmost appreciation, and more. They want the best me, and what I’m doing, and for that I’m truly appreciative.

Trees done right

I can’t imagine how a tree company could ever want to offer a service, and then not deliver. Additionally, so many companies these days, not only do not deliver, but they also make sure that when it comes to work, that they do as little as possible, and they are careless in the process. However, I can assure you, that it was not my experience when it came to working with Utility tree service. With Utility tree service, we not only got the best, but we got services that not even arborists offer. It was incredible, amazing, and simply and truly one of a kind. Also, I can say that I am a very particular man when it comes to tree cutting, for a wide variety of reasons, and when I worked with Utility tree service, they gave me real precision, real effort, and they also performed all duties possible with real ability, confidence, and a whole lot more.

My Conclusion about Wilmington Tree Utility Service

In a world these days, where we always seek out things that are not true, and where we always seek to serve ourselves, I can truly say that I am beyond happy, and filled with gratitude to know that there is a company, like Utility, where I as a customer not only had the best, but where I also got the best as well. Utility always put me first, and the needs of my trees, and they were truly amazing as a whole. I am thankful that there is a company with class, integrity, and that truly knows that I am worth it. I am thankful. I am thankful for Utility tree service, and all that they did for me. Click Here to Visit their site.


Many people often ask me what is so fun about tree service, it seems like ridiculously hard work.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell when you have to call for some tree service. Tree services perform a few different main services: Tree care, tree removal, tree planting, stump grinding and tree trimming. There is also emergency tree removal, which is no different from normal tree removal except it demands that the tree service show up more promptly and would more likely deal with fallen trees and uprooted trees.

Tree care is the part of tree service where an arborist can come by and do any tree trimming, tree pruning, tree fertilization and any other tree maintenance that will prolong the life of a tree and keep the tree in a condition that the homeowner would like. Every tree is different and an arborist is a professional that will know how to make a tree more full or grow taller or keep it a certain size and still have it look healthy by doing some tree trimming or tree fertilization or whatever is required.

Tree removal is a pretty straightforward part of tree service where a tree must literally be removed for any number of reasons. Tree removal can occur because a tree is unseating concrete in the vicinity, or because a tree has grown to close to power lines, or because the tree blocks a view or just because the homeowner is tired of picking up sticks or leaves in their yard. Other times, a tree has grown too unhealthy to withstand gusts of wind without falling apart and poses a threat to fall on people or property which brings us to emergency tree removal.

Emergency tree removal is what happens when your tree falls and hopefully not on you or your car or your house. After a good thunderstorm it is not uncommon to see trees snapped in half or ripped out at the roots, with all the arborists and tree service businesses out in force cutting up the trees with chainsaws and throwing the pieces into the woodchipper. The worst is when your tree falls across the street- There’s no waiting a couple days for the tree removal that way. You’re going to have to pay the Sunday hourly and get the arborists out to take care of that right away and that’s a pretty penny.

Stump Grinding & Tree Removal

Stump grinding and tree stump removal is another part of the tree service business bread and butter. You see people do different things with the last remains of their trees, stumps that are carved into artwork, stumps that are like regular old tree stumps and stumps that are completely shaved down to the ground to create sort of a patio that you can stand on. Getting an entire tree stump removal done, roots and all, is a pretty big job. You have to dig all around the stump and its root system, trim all the roots off and finally haul out this gigantic stump which could possibly weigh a few hundred pounds if not more.

Tree trimming is something that people usually get only when they have to, or if they want their tree to grow a certain way. Tree trimming takes care of branches that are growing into fences or up into power lines, scraping on the side of your house or anything like that. Of course, if the tree is short enough the homeowner can do the tree trimming on his own with one of those saws that sits on a pole but most trees are so tall that even that thing wouldn’t reach. Tree trimming is also an aspect of tree care where you can do a little tree pruning and make your tree grow fuller or taller or stop growing.

Most arborists should have the equipment and knowhow to do any of the jobs described here. Just call and ask, I’m sure if they can’t do the service you want they will know somebody who can do the job.

So when you want to know some insight on this industry, this site will tell you all there is to know.


In the world of landscaping pruning is key. It can accent the home, create a pathway, or simply look pretty. So after the flowers are mapped and planted, then we add the shrubs, and some sort of mulch or stone to cover the ground. Then it’s the maintenance. There is nothing worse when a house started out with spectacular curb appeal in the spring and by the fall it looks like a nuclear blast occurred. Maintenance is key to keep a beautiful yard beautiful. The yard must stay hydrated. This means scheduled watering. The yard must be fed, every few days some type of fertilizer is implemented. As the garden grows its must be maintain. Therefore some type of trimming and pruning must be in order. To remove any dead matter and encourage new growth. Now here is question that may not be considered at first: in what style?

In the world of landscaping and yard maintenance there are many different styles of pruning. Each with its own purpose and appeal. This is decision should be made in a few different factors. Most importantly should the pruning and trimming be done for decorative purposes or more for functionality? Here are some common and popular styles.

There’s a company in Macon, GA that does a great job at this.


Pollarding is best used when the purpose is to keep a shrub or tree from growing too big. This is normally used for trees that grow by power lines. By pollarding it the tree will remain the same sized and shaped as when it was first planted. A real space saver method. Elm, oak, ash, mulberry, elder, the tulip tree, to name a few are best suited for this style of pruning. The best time of year to pollard a tree is in winter or early spring. A pollard tree will have to be pollard once every year. Because this is a very skillful way of pruning its best to consult an arborist or a tree service company.


This technique is really beautiful. But very labor intensive and will require a lot of patience. But the outcome is gorgeous. This technique takes a plant or shrub and through pruning it’s manipulated to grow vertical and shaped into a number of designs. Like a candelabra, a fan shape, the Belgian fence pattern, whatever shape that’s desire. By using espalier an actual wall could be formulated from the vegetation. Or ever to create a dramatic focal point in garden. Best to used plants that have spreading branches such as: apple, pear, camellia, and quince. Some type of support will be needed. After planting the shrub or tree is trained by removing all but two shoots on each branch. And the two shoots must be attached to the support with wire. This process is repeated as the plant grows grooming it into the design and shape of the gardener’s choosing.

Central Leader System

If fruit trees are to be prune central leader system is a wonderful technique that works particularly well for apple trees, pear trees, and sweet cherry trees. The central part is the trunk and the branches are train to encourage a dense growth. Any unwanted branches should be trimmed away early and while the tree is still young. This method is best done in winter or early spring when the plants growth is dormant.

These are just a few styles and techniques that can be utilized. There so many different methods, styles, techniques, and purpose. Each one beautiful and beneficial in their own way. In choosing the best for one’s one personal garden consult a local tree trim service company. Ask to speak with arborist. He or she can recommend the best plant, shrubs, and trees for a garden or yard. For its particular climate as well as which pruning style is best suited for the overall feel and health of the plants.

My story

Ok, so I’m totally not Martha Stewart, but I can tell you that even though she’s the queen of better homes and better gardens, that I can honestly tell you that I truly understand the art of pruning. The reason I truly understand the art of pruning, is because it’s one of my favorite things to do, and it always has been. It’s one of my favorite things to do because it gives me a sense of peace, calm, purpose, and I get to be out in nature, enjoying the day, loving the day, living for the day, and so much more. Sure, I mean, I’m not on a beach with JLO, living it up and having a great time, but I am for sure enjoying every moment of my peace, quiet, and serenity, when it comes to pruning my trees, and spending time in nature, and enjoying every bit of what I do.

Pruning; it’s easy

For so many people, they truly believe that pruning is difficult and hard, because it requires a lot of work that some people cannot figure out at all. Some people believe they cannot cut away the dead branches, and they also believe that it’s too hard, difficult, or painful to do, because some of the branches have things that prick them, hurt them, and that are painful for them to deal with. Yet, honesty, it’s not different than shaving your legs, or for guys shaving your beard, and the reason I say this is because when you get the hang of it, it not only becomes routine, but it also becomes amazingly easy, and fun to enjoy as a whole. My experience as someone who has pruned for years, has not only been fun, but I also enjoy the fact that I get to save money, time, and effort by doing it all myself.

My advice

Ok, so when it comes to pruning, just remember it’s like a business deal; once you agree to do it, do it!!!!! Be sure to remember that dead branches are not a reflection of you being lazy, but instead it’s just a friendly reminder, that the more you focus on pruning, the better off your life will be. Therefore, be sure to prune away one dead branch, one obstruction, and one thing at a time, because by doing so you can guarantee that you’ll get what you need when you need it, when it comes to the perfect tree. Simple; one at a time, easy does it, and enjoy, that’s the fun of pruning!! Stay tuned for more fun things on this blog.